Hi, my name is __________________ and I am out
Evangelizing for the day. Could I have five minutes
of your time?
I would like to share a brief message with you for
the day.
Read a Parable… Suggested: Parable of the
Workers in the Vineyard from
Matthew 20:1-16
I would like to share my Testimony with you…
Hand them your written Testimony.
Invite them to church, with either a business card of
the church, a business card of the Pastor of the church
and/or a brochure of the church, with times for Bible
study and church services.
Have you ever received Jesus Christ or would like to?
Do you have any prayer requests? Pray for them on the
spot or tell them that you will pray for them at a
corporate prayer service.
Closing: Thank you for your time and may God richly
bless you!